Free Advanced Embedded System Course by IIT Kharagpur

Embedded System Design with ARM

The “Embedded System Design with ARM (STM32F401RE)” is a free online course that offers a comprehensive learning experience for individuals interested in embedded systems development. The course focuses on using the ARM Cortex-M4 based STM32F401RE microcontroller for hands-on projects.

Through this course, participants will gain a strong foundation in embedded systems concepts, microcontroller architecture, and programming in C/C++ language. They will learn how to set up the development environment, interface with peripherals, and implement various communication protocols like UART, SPI, and I2C.

The course provides practical examples and step-by-step instructions, allowing students to apply their knowledge to real-world projects and gain valuable experience in designing and building embedded systems. Whether for hobbyists or aspiring professionals, this course is a great opportunity to explore the exciting field of embedded systems design with a focus on ARM technology and the STM32F401RE microcontroller.

It will be a little difficult to understand the new IDE Arm Keil Studio because the old Mbed Compiler has retired. If you are following this tutorial series then for the development environment have to use Arm Keil Studio instead of Mbed. If you are facing an issue understanding the Arm Keil Studio then follow the below Arm Keil Studio video series for your reference.

Embedded System Design with ARM (Course Overview)

Lecture 01: Introduction to Embedded Systems

Lecture 02: Design Considerations of Embedded Systems

Lecture 03: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

Lecture 04: Architecture of ARM Microcontroller (Part I)

Lecture 05: Architecture of ARM Microcontroller (Part II)

Lecture 06: Architecture of ARM Microcontroller (Part III)


Lecture 08: ARM Instruction Set (Part II)



Lecture 11: PWM AND INTERRUPT on STM32F401

Lecture 12: Digital to Analog Conversion

Lecture 13: Analog to Digital Conversion (Part I)

Lecture 14: Analog to Digital Conversion (Part II)

Lecture 15:Output Devices, Sensors and Actuators (Part I)

Lecture 16:Output Devices, Sensors and Actuators (Part II)

Lecture 17: Output Devices, Sensors and Actuators (Part III)

Lecture 18: Microcontroller Development Boards

Lecture 19: Mbed C Programming Environment

Lecture 20: Interfacing With STM32F401 Board

Lecture 21: Interfacing with Arduino UNO

Lecture 22: Interfacing 7-Segment LED and LCD Displays (PART I)

Lecture 23: Interfacing 7-Segment LED and LCD Displays (PART II)

Lecture 24: Serial Port Terminal Application (Coolterm)

Lecture 25: Experiment with Temperature Sensor

Lecture 26: Experiment With LDR Light Sensor (PART I)

Lecture 27: Experiment With LDR Light Sensor (PART II)

Lecture 28: Experiment with Speaker

Lecture 29: Experiment with Microphone

Lecture 30: Design of Control System

Lecture 31: Experiments with Relay

Lecture 32: Experiments on Speed Control of DC Motor

Lecture 33: Experiment with Multiple Sensors and Relay

Lecture 34: Introduction to Internet of Things

Lecture 35: GSM and Bluetooth

Lecture 36: Design of a Home Automation System

Lecture 37: Design of a Simple Alarm System Using Touch Sensor

Lecture 38:Accelerometer

Lecture 39: Experiment using Accelerometer

Lecture 40: Experiment using Bluetooth

Lecture 41: Experiment with Gas Sensor

Lecture 42: Summarization of the Course