Free Online Skill Test C Language Basics (Test 1)



#1. In C language the size of integers is the same in all machines.

#2. The most popular integrated development environment for the C language is Turbo C.

#3. In C language, statement a += b and a = a+b are equal?

#4. The total number of “reserved keywords” in the C language is:

#5. In the C language, increment and decrement operators are binary operators.

#6. What type of file extension represents the source code of C language?

#7. A c-program can also execute without the presence of the main() function.

#8. Name the error in C language that is the most difficult to determine and can be understood only when there is a better understanding of the program.

#9. What is the value of the arithmetic expression in C language:12 % 4 + 6 % 4

#10. An ampersand before the name of a variable denotes the of the variable.

#11. Which of the following operators is used to combine two or more relational expressions?

#12. In C language, variable names are sensitive.

#13. Who developed the C programming language?
