Free Online Skill Test C Language Basics (Test 2)



#1. What is the default value of static variable?

#2. In C, we used for input / output?

#3. The format identifier ‘%c’ is used for which data type?

#4. What is the range of int data type?

#5. sizeof() is a _____?

#6. float a[15], what is the size of array?

#7. In which year, C Language was Developed?

#8. How many keyword’s in C?

#9. What is the range of char data type?

#10. Can we assign null on void pointer?

#11. Which type of Language is C?

#12. ‘Break’ statement is used for ______?

#13. Variable that are declared but not initialized contains _______?

#14. Which of the following function is user defined?

The main () function provides a platform for calling the first user-defined function in the program. It has got its own functionality and structural features with respect to the usage of syntaxes which cannot be changed by the end-user unless he writes his own compiler.

#15. Which type of statement is ‘break’ in C language?

#16. What is the default value of local variable?

#17. Which of the following will not return a value?

#18. Which of the following is not a valid storage class?

#19. Is ‘const’ better than #define?

#20. Is it possible to run program without main()?

#21. Void occupy how many bytes in memory?

#22. Prototype of a function means ____?

#23. Who is the father of C language?

#24. How many types of loop in C?

Ans. Three

  1. While loop
  2. For loop
  3. Do While loop

#25. Which of the following is a logical NOT operator?
