Write a program to count the number of set bits in a given number and print the parity


    • Read a number from the user. Check number of set bits in a given number. If number of set bits is odd, then Bit parity is odd. Similarly, If number of set bits is even, then Bit parity is even. 
    • For example, If num = 7, number of set bits = 3 which is odd number, so bit parity is odd. Similarly, if num = 3, number of set bits = 2, bit parity should be even

Sample Execution:

Test Case 1:

Enter the number : 7

Number of set bits = 3

Bit parity is Odd

Test Case 2:

Enter the number : 15

Number of set bits = 4

Bit parity is Even

Test Case 3:

Enter the number : 6

Number of set bits = 2

Bit parity is Even