Write a program to find which day of the year


    • Suppose, in a week let us assume first day is ‘Sunday’, then second day will be ‘Monday’ and so on. If first day is ‘Monday’ then the second day will be ‘Tuesday’ and so on.


    • Arithmetic operators
    • Switch Case

Objective: –

    • To understand the concept of Switch Case

Inputs: –
      Positive integer say ‘N’. Where 1 <= ‘N’ <= 365.
      1 <= Starting day <= 7
      Option to set the first day.

Example :

       Where start_day = Wednesday
       Nth day = 5
       5th day of the year is Monday

Sample execution: –

Test Case 1:

Enter the value of ‘n’ : 9
Choose First Day :
1. Sunday
2. Monday
3. Tuesday
4. Wednesday
5. Thursday
6. Friday
7. Saturday
Enter the option to set the first day : 2
The day is Tuesday

Test Case 2:

Enter the value of ‘n’ : 9
Choose First Day :
1. Sunday
2. Monday
3. Tuesday
4. Wednesday
5. Thursday
6. Friday
7. Saturday
Enter the option to set the first day : 3
The day is Wednesday

Test Case 3: 

Enter the value of ‘n’ : 9

Choose First Day :

1. Sunday
2. Monday
3. Tuesday
4. Wednesday
5. Thursday
6. Friday
7. Saturday

Enter the option to set the first day : 8
Error: Invalid input, first day should be > 0 and <= 7

Test Case 4:

Enter the value of ‘n’ : 0
Error: Invalid Input, n value should be > 0 and <= 365

Test Case 5:

Enter the value of ‘n’ : 366
Error: Invalid Input, n value should be > 0 and <= 365